Så er E - Forseglet i blod på gaden.
Det virker som om den er den mest populære indtil nu, så jeg er superglad.
F er på vej til redaktør inden længe og jeg er igang med at skrive løs på G.....Så glæd dig.
Links til artikler og andet sjov!
Sounds like a bad joke
Everybody out there
Welcome to the show
Feels like i'm electric
Everything is overloaded
This is medicine
Good for humans
you can't live without
you should try it out
right now
With an open mind
I know it sounds like a bad joke
like a bad joke
Come on
try it with an open mind
I know it sounds like a bad joke
like a bad joke
Try to be positive
Take it for a while
You will be evicted
Makes you feel alive
Now you can't deny
it's a natural high
right now
With an open mind
I know it sounds like a bad joke
like a bad joke
Come on
try it with an open mind
I know it sounds like a bad joke
like a bad joke
You can't deny
It's a natural high
Try it with an open mind
I know it sounds like a bad joke
like a bad joke
Come on
try it with an open mind
I know it sounds like a bad joke
like a bad joke