Så er E - Forseglet i blod på gaden.
Det virker som om den er den mest populære indtil nu, så jeg er superglad.
F er på vej til redaktør inden længe og jeg er igang med at skrive løs på G.....Så glæd dig.
Links til artikler og andet sjov!
Day by Day
Take it day by day
Take it frame by frame
If we take it slow
No one is to blame
Half a life has gone
You’re still the only one
Can we make it or not
I think that you’ve been hurt before
I know that I was left alone
The frame of yesterday
Is all we remember
Take it day by day
Take it frame by frame
If we take it slow
No one is to blame
Half a life has gone
You’re still the only one
Can we make it or not
You took a right and I turned left
Stepped away from destiny
But the road is dead ahead
Let’s cross it together
Take it day by day
Take it frame by frame
If we take it slow
No one is to blame
Half a life has gone
You’re still the only one
Can we make it or not