Så er E - Forseglet i blod på gaden.
Det virker som om den er den mest populære indtil nu, så jeg er superglad.
F er på vej til redaktør inden længe og jeg er igang med at skrive løs på G.....Så glæd dig.
Links til artikler og andet sjov!
Beautiful Someone
There is so much to be said
I keep on looking ahead
Could the future hold a place for me right now
So many places to go
So many people to know
In my worldwide chase and search
Around the globe
In all the nations
I keep my patience
And I still know what I want
It’s you
Beautiful someone
Let’s make a lovesong
I’ll be a king with a queen in my hand
Beautiful someone
Weightless and float some
Could you be there?
When I call out your name
Get me a ticket to Mars
Buy me a trip to the stars
Maybe I find you living in my universe
So close to me
So far away
So lovely and perfect for me
It’s you
Beautiful someone
Let’s make a lovesong
I’ll be a king with a queen in my hand
Beautiful someone
Weightless and float some
Could you be here?
When I call out your name
Beautiful someone
Soon we’ll be long gone
And if I ask would you be there with me
In high and low
I kept my hope alive
And I suddenly see
It’s you
Beautiful someone
Let’s make a lovesong
I’ll be a king with a queen in my hand
Beautiful someone
Weightless and float some
Could you be there?
When I call out your name
Beautiful someone
Soon we’ll be long gone
And if I ask would you be there with me